Upcoming Events

Vegas Casino Night

Vegas Casino Night

Dress in your favorite vintage Vegas glam, bring your swagger, and roll the dice for a night of excitement.

Kearny Mesa Moose Lodge
3636 Ruffin Rd, San Diego, CA 92123

Games & Entertainment
Craps • Blackjack • Roulette • DJ
Win Prizes & 50/50 Raffle
Additional casino chips & prize tickets available

Hors d’oeuvres served from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

$55 in advance | $65 at the door
Includes entry, hors d’oeuvres, 1 drink ticket,
$100 in casino chips & music

4 ways to purchase your tickets:

  1. Venmo @TierrasantaFoundation25

  2. Zelle (QR code below)

  3. PayPal (QR code below)

  4. Or in person at San Terra Properties

Zelle Payment
mjames@tierrasantafoundation.org OR


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Meet Santa Claus

Meet Santa Claus

Santa will be at the Tierrasanta Public Library!

Saturday, December 14th from 12:30pm to 2:30pm in the Community Room.

Join us for a meet and greet and photos!

No registration required.

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Bulk Trash Drop Off

Bulk Trash Drop Off

  • Clairemont Mesa Boulevard San Diego, CA United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

***Dumpsters Available While Space Lasts!***

11220 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Please navigate to the parking lot directly southwest of basketball courts.

Items NOT accepted: electronics, batteries, paint, drums of liquid, hazardous waste, auto parts, construction materials, sand, dirt, rocks and asbestos.

This is for Tierrasanta residents only.

Courtesy of Raul Campillo, City of San Diego Council Member, District 7 & EDCO

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Tierrasanta 5k & Fun Run

Tierrasanta 5k & Fun Run

Save the Date!

Join us for the Spooktacular Tierrasanta Foundation “Monster Dash” 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, October 26th, 2024! Last year, we set a record with nearly 600 participants, and we anticipate an even bigger turnout this year.

The race will begin and end at the Tierrasanta Recreation Center (a.k.a. Community Park). Starting gun is at 8:30am. After the run, relax and enjoy the beer garden, Long Island Mike's pizza, vendor booths, bounce houses for the kids, and a DJ. There will be three medals in each age group for male and female top finishers. Prizes will also be given to runners or walkers in best Halloween costume!

We will present metals for the top-3 in each age group (M/F) along with awards for individual, pet and group costumes. 

2024 Monster Dash Race results

Overall Results

Age Group Results

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92124 Day!!!

92124 Day!!!

92124 Day
It’s almost here!
Saturday, September 21, 92124

Tierrasanta Recreation Center is turning into “Celebration Central.”
5:00pm - 10:00pm
(Doors open at 4:00pm)

Join us for an evening filled with
Food, games, live entertainment, a kid zone and plenty of photo ops!

You will not want to miss 92124’s GOT TALENT
Where our neighbors showcase their skills with winners featured on our web pages and social media.


Dancing to the beat of San Diegos #1 Live Band
Republic of Music

Everyone is invited to this FREE
Community Extravaganza

brought to you by
The Tierrasanta Community Partners
including: The Tierrasanta Foundation, The Tierrasanta Junior Women’s Club, The Kiwanis of Tierrasanta, and Tierrasanta Community Council.

We are please to offer three levels of table sponsorship for out upcoming event!
Deadline to purchase your sponsorship is September 13th.

All sponsors will be recongnized at the event, on the Tierrasanta Foundation Website throughout teh year, and in all of our event marketing & articles.

$1,000 Platinum Sponsor
Table for 8 Guests
8 Commemorative T-Shirts
8 Commemorative 92124 Day Insulated Stainless Steel Mugs with Handle
8 Drink Tickets

$500 Gold Sponsor
Table for 8 Guests
8 Commemorative T-Shirts
8 Drink Tickets

$250 Silver Sponsor
Table for 8 Guests

Please help make 92124 Day a successful and unforgettable event by donating.

Last chance! Deadline is September 13th!

Or drop a check off at San Terra Properties, 10601 Tierrasanta Blvd. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Check payable to Tierrasanta Foundation

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Bocce Ball Tournament

Bocce Ball Tournament

SATURDAY, AUGUST 10TH, 2024 11:30 am — 4:30 pm Canyon Hills High School Stadium. Food, drinks, music and fun! *21 and older only. REGISTRATION OPENS JULY

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Ascension's 40th Annual Fiesta

Ascension's 40th Annual Fiesta

Live Music - Cantina - Dancing - International Foods - Games - Raffle - Bingo - Rummage Sale - Book Sale - Plant Booth

Sunday Fiesta Hours: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Food & Game Booths: 12:00 - 3:30 pm
Vernetta’s Dancers: 12:30 - 1:30 pm
White Dragon Martial Arts Performance: 2:00 - 2:30 pm
Family Games: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
Raffle: 3:45 - 4:00 pm

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Ascension's 40th Annual Fiesta

Ascension's 40th Annual Fiesta

Live Music - Cantina - Dancing - International Foods - Games - Raffle - Bingo - Rummage Sale - Book Sale - Plant Booth

Saturday Fiesta Hours: 11:30am - 10:00 pm
Food & Game Booths: 11:30 - 10:00 pm
Marine Corps Band: 1:00 - 2:00 pm
The new Catillacs (50s): 2:30 - 3:30 pm
BETAMAXX (80s): 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

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Puppets in the Park

Puppets in the Park

  • 6475 Antigua Boulevard San Diego, CA, 92124 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Puppetry Arts Guild of San Diego presents "Puppets in the Park" on Saturday June 1, 2024 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Villa Norte Park, Tierrasanta. Puppets and Puppet Making. Face Painting. Free and fun for all ages.

Tom Jensen - President


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Ascension's 40th Annual Fiesta

Ascension's 40th Annual Fiesta

Live Music - Cantina - Dancing - International Foods - Games - Raffle - Bingo - Rummage Sale - Book Sale - Plant Booth

Food & Game Booths: 5:30 - 9:30 pm
Friday Fiesta with 3 Car Garage (70s): 7:00 - 10:00 pm

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Craft Fair, Community Parade, Dinner and Fireworks by Kiwanis

Patriot's Day Parade:

Our Grand Marshal this year, Mike Fillat, is a local Chiropractor that was born and raised in Tierrasanta. Please read about his contribution to our community in the article published in this Tierrasanta Pulse.

Partriot's Day Parade is made up of local residents, civic organizations, youth groups and sports, San Diego dignitaries, local businesses, and auto enthusiasts. It starts at 10:00 a.m. from Canyon Hills High School and ends at the Legacy Church parking lot on Baroque Lane where fruit and refreshments will be served. Please contact Hani Shatila at (858) 268-4184 before April 30th if you would like to be in the Parade.

Craft Fair:

The Craft Fair will be held at the Newbreak Church Parking lot on Tierrasanta Blvd. It is sponsored by the Tierrasanta Junior Women's Club from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. For a craft booth, contact Amy Hall at (858) 573-2648 or by e-mail at amyhall@san.rr.com.

BBQ Dinner:

The BBQ Dinner starts at 4:30 p.m. and will be held at the Tierrasanta Lutheran Church Parking lot, 11240 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. We will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers and serving dessert, water, soft drinks and coffee.

Adults can enjoy Beer & Wine, Kids can play games, the Shades of Sound band led by our Tierrasanta resident George Lewis will play music you can dance to. The fireworks finale will make the evening enjoyable for the whole family.


A game area will be available for the youngsters. Youths and community organizations, as well as school booster clubs are invited to sponsor a game booth for $30 and then keep all the net proceeds as a fundraiser. If interested, contact Irene Cannon at (858) 560-9527 or by e-mail at icannon@me.com


Fireworks will be featured at 8:15 p.m.

The Tierrafest is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Tierrasanta, Tierrasanta Junior Women's Club and It is supported by the Tierrasanta Community Council. All net proceeds will fund Tierrasanta/Murphy Canyon youth and community projects.

If you care to financially support this community function, contact Rani Shatila at (858) 268-4184. There are different areas you can help with the least of which is a business card ad on the evening dinner placemats. In any case, plan to be a part of the Event. This is your day to enjoy.

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